Is Sub Ohm Vaping Dead?
A few years ago it seemed that every day a larger and more powerful vape mod was hitting the market. I remember getting my Weismec three battery mod and soon after, purchasing a massive 30mm tank to sit on top of it. At the time I loved it, but it was only about a month later (probably less) that a new mod hit the market with room for 4 (18650) batteries. Honestly I couldn’t see the point in upgrading to something larger. As much as I liked the device and the massive clouds, I was already pushing the practicality of my 3 battery mod. I wasn’t just taking it to work every day, I took a trip across the world with it. I found myself in places where vaping hadn’t become a thing yet and was literally having to fill it with glycerin that I purchased at a pharmacy. The great thing I thought was the battery life. Because the more batteries you have in one mod, the longer it lasts exponentially. In other words, a three battery mod will last you longer than a single battery even when you have 2 extra battery replacements for it. If you want to sub-ohm on the go at high wattages, this is the type of equipment that you need to have.
By the end of the trip, my largest takeaway was that I should have packed more belts as the weight of this mod plus a bottle or two in my pockets was constantly pulling down my pants. OK, maybe that wasn’t my best takeaway. Maybe Sub-Ohming just isn’t the best type of vape to travel with. While with big clouds comes big flavor and a great satisfaction, the big clouds BLAST through juice, which means you have to refill a lot more. This leaves you vulnerable to running out of supplies or just spending more money.
While my experience is extreme, I feel like a lot of vapors around the world stated to feel that same grind after years of lugging big batteries and bottles around. Is this the writing on the wall for Sub Ohing? No, at least not anytime soon. High wattage devices are still completely unmatched in their flavor capabilities. The experience of vaping one is just too different for it to simply fade away. It’s the modern hookah and still convenient enough to be taken along in the car or, if you really want to it can across the globe; It can be done. However, the light weigh efficient e-cigarettes with cartridges are just a far better alternative for the every day commuter or traveler.